Biblical Business

The Course

Do You have a Nagging Thought that Your Business could Be More?

You are not alone.  Businesses in the Bible play a far greater role in God’s plan than almost anyone has realized (see The Good Book on Business). God has a plan for your business which is bigger than you may realize.

Don’t believe the conventional wisdom about business. Our culture will tell you:

“Real ministry is only done under the purview of the religious establishment.”
Nonsense. God said. ”Whatever you do, brethren, work at with all your heart as  working for the Lord, not for men, and you’ll receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” (Col. 4:23) “Whatever you do” includes your business.

“The purpose of a business is to make money to support the religious establishment.”
Nonsense. Jesus taught, in the parable of the talents, that we would be blessed for increasing the wealth entrusted to us, not for giving it away. A Biblical business has far greater reach and more sophisticated purposes then just money.

“The purpose of a business is to spread the gospel.”
Only indirectly. As a business grows and spreads its influence, people are naturally drawn to the sense of God’s presence that permeates your business.

Ian Wynn, Owner / Operator, Ian Wynn Optometry

As an optometrist and someone wanting to honour Jesus I find myself in a perpetual struggle keeping the balance between doing for others as I would have them do for me, and making an income. Your posts are a good encouragement that God wants me in my business and that it can be a blessing to my customers, my family and my Lord. I believe if I seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, all things will be added to me for that purpose but we still have to deal with money, sales and costs.

Biblical Businesses are built to achieve the specific purpose given to them by God.

As you mold your business into the Biblical model, you’ll know that you are where God wants you to be. No more second-guessing and guilt over your commitment to your business.

Biblical Businesses provide economic security to your family and to the families of your employees.

You’ll feel fulfilled knowing that your business provides for the physical well-being for your employees and their families.

Biblical Businesses bring an ever-growing degree of organization to God’s creation.

God established creation as a canvas and provided the brushes and paint for mankind to express its creativity in it through a continuously growing degree of organization. As your business molds itself into the Biblical model, you’ll know that you have a special place in painting the portrait of a redeemed creation.

Biblical Businesses are a conduit for God’s blessing.

It is God who provides for his people and uses your business as a tool to do so. Fellowship, community, sense of purpose, security, personal growth – all of these are God’s blessing channeled through your business. Your business truly is a special ministry — and you’ll feel that.

Biblical Businesses provide a venue for the exercise of spiritual gifts.

When you provide a climate allowing for the exercise of spiritual gifts, the results can be supernatural and spectacular. You and your business will be the beneficiaries.

Biblical Businesses train and equip the next generation of leaders.

A Biblical business nurtures the skills and refines the character for the next generation of leaders. Your feel a sense of fatherly pride as you realize that your efforts in your business have generations of impact.

How the Course Works:

Upon receipt of your credit card information, you’ll be emailed the website location, user name and password to access your course.  In addition to access to the course, you’ll become a member of our on-line XI Community. Log in and access the material anytime 24/7. You will be billed $19.00 every month until you finish the course. 

Each module presents one important practice or principle of Biblical businesses. The content is presented, step-by-step, via a variety of media – video, audio, and written articles. Each module contains exercises designed to help you internalize the content and apply it to your business. This is not an academic exercise. Rather, we focus on practical applications to help you transform your business into a spiritual powerhouse.

You can work at your own pace, completing each section and module in sequence.

Monthly Modules:


Introduction to Biblical Business Principles & Practices

God created business before He created families, churches, prophets or pastors. It is his first choice for a venue to interact with mankind, build faith, and provide for mankind. As a Christian business person, you are a minister of business.


Building Prayer into Your Business

Biblical businesses practice prayer at multiple times and ways. Build some of them into your business.​


Acknowledging God in your Foundational Documents​

“If you acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge you before the Father.” Implement this Biblical truth by acknowledging God in your Vision, Mission and Values statements.


Gathering a Group of Advisers

Two heads really are better than one. Examine several ways you can available yourself of other minds and institute the one that fits you.


Overcoming Personal Hindrances

Our own beliefs and paradigms often hold us back and prevent us from realizing the potential in our businesses. Banish these most common erroneous beliefs from your psyche.


Goal Setting and FOFs

Should a Biblical business set goals? Maybe creating and managing FOFs (Focus on First) is a better way to prioritize and harness the energy of the organization.


Planning with the Spirit

Human plans often fail, but those created by the Holy Spirit succeed. Here’s how to incorporate the Holy Spirit into your planning process.


Incorporating Family into the Business

The Bible has virtually nothing to say about family-business conflict. That’s because the family is incorporated into the business in Biblical businesses. Create some ways to make that happen in your business.


Spiritual Warfare

Satan often uses our businesses to discourage us. Learn to successfully cope with spiritual attacks on you and your business.



Money is a big part of every business. Should you borrow it from other people? See what the Bible has to say and formulate a strategy for your business.


Building a Biblical Culture

Biblical businesses are characterized by an intense, relational culture among the stakeholders. Identify the components of that culture, and work to implement it in your business.


Intro to Systems

Business is ultimately the interaction of people and money into a system. The more effective the systems in your organization, the more likely you are to succeed and prosper. Understand systems and begin to build your systems.

Get to know Dave Kahle:

Dave has been a Bible teacher, elder, house church leader, short-term missionary, and Christian executive roundtable leader.  He has spoken in 47 states and eleven countries and has authored 13 books, which have been translated into eight languages and are available in 20 plus countries.

In his first career as a sales person, Dave Kahle was the number one sales person in the nation for two different companies, in two distinct selling situations.  Since 1988, in his second career as a sales authority, he’s trained tens of thousands of sales people to sell better, thousands of sales managers to manage better, and has worked personally and contractually with over 459 companies.







