some Free Christian Business Resources for Business Development, Sales, & Leadership...

Biblical Business Assessment
This is a white paper that creates a spectrum to chart the development of a Christian business. It provides a self-assessment to rate your business on the spectrum and determine next steps to move your business to its full potential.
Christian Salesperson’s Manifesto
A series of scripture-based affirmations in the form of a manifesto for the Christian Salesperson to use to affirm his/her calling and professionalism.

Cataract Beliefs
This is an E-book that questions a number of broadly-held views of Christianity and business. Not for the faint-hearted.
7 Key Initiatives to Transform Your Business into a Spiritual Powerhouse
An E-book that delivers exactly what the title promises.

How to Collect a Debt from Another Christian
An E-book that arose out of a peer group meeting and provides scriptural guidance for this sensitive issue.
Video: Transform this Crises into a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity.
A video recording of a webinar I did at the beginning of the Covid crisis.

Two Free Chapters of The Good Book on Business.
Your views on business will never be the same.
Facilitator’s Guide to The Good Book on Business.
A free study guide for a small group facilitator to help him/her run 10 meetings on The Good Book. Free with purchase on the Good Book purchase page. Delivered at the time of purchase of the book.

Christian Guide to Financing Business Growth
An E-book that delivers some creative ways to finance a business.

Learning list - OnbOard Management
A new management tool to help you onboard new employees with ease, while taking your organization’s ability to learn to a higher level. Delivers our proprietary tool – a learning list.
Profile of a Professional Sales Manager
An E-book that describes the characteristics and practices of the best manager I ever had and then generalizes them to lessons for sales managers today.

How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime Self-Assessment
Based on the book by the same title, this self-assessment measures the reader’s implementation of the best practices and systematic approach discussed in the book.
Handling Objections: The Complete System for Handling Sales Objections
A free EBook for B2B salespeople designed to help with this common problem.

The Five Most Common Mistakes Distributor Salespeople Make, and How to Avoid Them
A free eBook to help distributor salespeople avoid the most common mistakes.
Turbulent Times e-Book
FREE eBook. Learn to Navigate the Complexity and Find Your Footing in Turbulent Times.

Christian Salesperson’s Manifesto
A free eBook that adds a dose of inspiration and motivation with this set of devotions and affirmations designed to help you focus on Christ in the midst of your job.
The Significant Christian Company Manifesto
Your business can be the stimulant to positively impact the country’s culture.

How To Sell Anything Assessment
Get the self-assessment for your sales practices based on the How to Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime book.

About Dave Kahle
Dave Kahle has been a Bible teacher, elder, house church leader, short-term missionary, and Christian executive roundtable leader. For 30 years, he has been one of the world’s leading authorities on sales and sales systems. In that regards, he has spoken in 47 states and eleven countries and has authored 13 books, several of which have been translated into eight languages and are available in 20 plus countries. He has personally and contractually worked with over 539 different businesses and focuses on helping his clients add $100 million in new revenue and 1,000 new jobs each year.