Books, websites and other resources for Done Christians

Want to dig deeper and pursue a greater understanding of non-institutional church opportunities?

Recommended books

We’ve read each of these, and recommend each for the insights it brings on different aspects of the institutional church and its alternatives.

Draughon, Wells Earl. 2007. While America Sleeps, How Islam, Immigration and Indoctrination are Destroying America from Within. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse

Gunn, Colin, and Fernandez, Joaquin. 2012. Indoctrination, Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity. Green Forest, AR: Master Books

Kupelian, David. 2005. The Marketing of Evil. How Radicals, Elitists and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom .Nashville, TN: Cumberland House Publishing, Inc.

Kinnaman, David.2011. You Lost Me. Why Young Christians are Leaving Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Knapp, John C. 2012 How the Church Fails Businesspeople. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Erdmans Publishing Company

Wagner, C. Peter. 2005 Freedom from the Religious Spirit. Venture, CA: Regal Books

Chan, Francis, and Sprinkle, Preston. 2011. Erasing Hell. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook.

Hebert, Teryl. The Biblical Church, Bringing the Teaching of Jesus and Biblical Community into Your Home. 2011. Sheridan books.

Loosley, Ernest 1935. When the Church Was Young. Edited and revised Sargent. GA: The Seed Sowers.

Viola, Frank, and Barna, George. 2002, 2008. Pagan Christianity. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Rutz, James H. 1992. The Open Church. Auburn, ME: The Seed Sowers.

Kinnaman, David and Lyone, Gabe. 2007. unchristian. Baker Books.

Broadbent, E. H.,  original release in 1931, new edition, 2013. The Pilgrim Church. Gospel Folio Press.

Edited by Atkerson, Steve. 1996. Toward a House Church Theology. Atlanta, GA: New Testament Restoration Foundation

Edited by Atkerson, Steve. 2005. ekklesia, To the Roots of Biblical House Church Life. Atlanta, GA: New Testament Restoration Foundation

Krupp, Nate. 1993. God’s Simple Plan for His Church, and Your Place in It. Woodburn, OR: Solid Rock Books

Edwards, Gene. 1993. How to Meet Under the Headship of Jesus Christ. Beaumont, TX: Message Ministry.

DeKoster, Lester. 1982. Second Edition. 2010 Work, The Meaning of Your Life; A Christian Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian’s Library Press.

Rundle, Steve, and Steffen, Tom. 2003. Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Seebeck, Doug, and Stoner, Timothy. 2009. My Business My Mission: Fighting Poverty Through Partnerships. Grand Rapids, MI: Partners Worldwide.

Veith, Gene Edward Jr. 2002. God at Work. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Stevens, Paul R. 2002. The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: William C. Erdmanns

Marshal, Rich. 2000. GOD @ Work. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers.

Sherman, Doug, and Hendricks, William. 1987. Your Work Matters to God. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.

Fraser, Robert. 2006. Marketplace Christianity: Discovering the Kingdom Purpose of the Marketplace. Overland Park, KS: New Grid Publishing.

Eldred, Ken. 2005. God is at Work: Transforming People and Nations Through Business. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.

Tsukahira, Peter. 2000. My Father’s Business: Guidelines for Ministry in the Marketplace.

Blackaby, Henry, and Blackaby, Richard. 2008 God in the Market Place. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group.

Hillman, Os. 2005. The 9 to 5 window: How faith can transform the workplace. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.

Recommended Websites

House Church Central: This is a great starting point for all things house church.

Christian Business Men’s Connection:

Unchurching.  Christianity without Churchianity:


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